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The Associação dos Pilotos
de Barra e Portos

Its objective is to bring together all those who, in the Pilotage of Barras and Ports in the Country, are interested in the problems inherent to Pilotage, Safety and Operations in Ports, to Navigation in Restricted Waters, as well as to the defense of the Marine Environment and Safeguarding Human Life. at sea.

The Apibarra

It aims to promote research in the field of pilotage, promote the prestige of Pilots da Barra, prepare recommendations in the areas of safety, health and professional training of Pilots da Barra and ensure the provision of a quality service to the port and maritime transport industry.

The Association

It is proposed to constitute a true forum, where the debate of ideas and the exchange of experiences will be privileged, always seeking to bring together different perspectives, in order to avoid reductive and simplistic analyses, unable, therefore, to adapt to the phenomenon of specialization and technological advancement in its entirety.
It intends to assume itself as the Portuguese Section of EMPA and IMPA, which will provide a valuable exchange with those who, in the most diverse countries, pursue the same objectives, within the activity of Piloting, Navigation Safety, Safety of Human Life and preservation of the marine environment.

The APIBARRA, Associação dos Pilotos de Barras e Portos

It was founded in 1995 and has, throughout these years of existence, sought to achieve increasing importance in the various domains of the maritime-port sector, mainly due to its markedly technical nature, from which the added value for its socio-professional intervention derives.

As a reputable institution, with technical skills translated into decades of experience in the maritime-port sector of its associates, dedicated and highly qualified professionals, APIBARRA constitutes an asset for the State, in its advising in everything that concerns maritime transport policies, port infrastructure, port and coastal VTS, maritime-port legislation, RIM, investigation of maritime accidents and incidents and navigation safety.

APIBARRA regularly organizes national conferences with the participation of various stakeholders in the sector and is present in several international meetings.

In Portugal, APIBARRA represents around 73% of active pilots as well as 3 retirees and 6 from EPIBAL (Angola).


Miguel Vieira de Castro – APS, S. A.
Carlos Serpa Carvalho – APL, S. A.
José Sabido Martins – APL, S. A.
Reinaldo Rocha – APDL, S. A.
Pedro Seixas – APDL, S. A.
Nelson Silva – APRAM, S. A.

Photographs kindly provided by members

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